
Thank you for your interest in creating a link to zoltantakacs.com.  For optimal results, please use the descriptions below according to the listing category.

If listing in "Snake" or similar category:
Title: Dr. Zoltan Takacs PhotoWorld
URL: http://zoltantakacs.com
Description: Images of venomous and nonvenomous snakes, herpetology and toxinology. Snake venom research.
If listing in "Photography" or similar category:
Title: Dr. Zoltan Takacs PhotoWorld
URL: http://zoltantakacs.com
Description: Images of venomous and nonvenomous snakes, reptiles and amphibians, animals of the tropics, Earth and native people.
Non-categorical listing:
Title: Dr. Zoltan Takacs HomeBase
URL: http://zoltantakacs.com
Description: Images of snakes, reptiles and tropical biodiversity. Snake venom research and tropical expeditions.